creative direction

To dream and frolic, looking for a purpose. Only to find nothing at all.
Simply being in a romantic state of mind, unsatisfied and always longing for more.

Love Me
They love me, they love me not. The other half to Skylar Rayne's initial Love Me Not Collection.
The brands core values of romanticism, femininity, magic, and beauty are visually represented with simple elements.

Holy Trinity
The Madonna, The Whore, and The Female Body
The impossible complex of a woman created by a man, where a women's romantic capabilities are defined by their purity or sexuality.

An ode to pre grunge and pop icons who rised 80's.
Emphasizing iconographic symbols to translate controversy with sex, religion, and pop.

It Girl Debut
From Studio 54 to Y2K glamour, the first campaign for Skylar Rayne focused on all that makes an it girl.
Captivation, sex appeal, magnetic personality, and mysteriously engaging.